Kalkoth Rotblood [NA]
Exiled Messenger (Exile) 2021, 3. Characters, Aldmeri Dominion, Ash'abah Hood Gray, Coldharbour Ash Black, Kalam0n, Male, NA, Sergeant's Charcoal, Silvenar Green, Sorcerer, Vine Green, Wood Elf 0
Heavily inspired by a Reddit post – I wanted to try my hand at creating a goblin character. This is a Bosmer with some pretty dramatic slider options, the Blood-Drained Thrall skin, and the Thief personality.
It was then a simple matter of finding some motifs that worked, Coldsnap Goblin would be the obvious choice but I went with a combination of Ancestral Reach, Glenmoril Wyrd, Mighty Chudan, and Icereach Coven.
Inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/druywn/my_attempt_at_a_goblin_meet_tzokk_the_exiled/
Piece | Name | Quality | Source | Prim Dye | Sec Dye | Tert Dye |
Head | Mighty Chudan’s Mask | Ruins of Mazzatun | Vine Green | Ash’abah Hood Gray | Sergeant’s Charcoal | |
Shoulders | Mighty Chudan’s Arm Cops | Ruins of Mazzatun | Vine Green | Ash’abah Hood Gray | Sergeant’s Charcoal | |
Chest | Ancestral Reach Jerkin | Skyrim Antiquities / Treasure Maps | Sergeant’s Charcoal | Coldharbour Ash Black | Silvenar Green | |
Hands | Ancestral Reach Gloves | Skyrim Antiquities / Treasure Maps | Silvenar Green | Silvenar Green | Coldharbour Ash Black | |
Waist | Ancestral Reach Sash | Skyrim Antiquities / Treasure Maps | Silvenar Green | |||
Legs | Prophet’s Breeches | Anniversary Jubilee Event | Coldharbour Ash Black | Silvenar Green | ||
Feet | Glenmoril Wyrd Shoes | Witches Festival | Sergeant’s Charcoal | Silvenar Green | Silvenar Green | |
Weapon | Icereach Coven Greatsword | Icereach Dungeon | Ash’abah Hood Gray | Silvenar Green | Coldharbour Ash Black | |
Offhand |
Slot | Name |
Hair Style | |
Head Marking | |
Facial Hair | |
Major Adornment | |
Minor Adornment | Fierce Pierce Facial Rings |
Body Marking | |
Skin | Blood-Drained Thrall |
Personality | Thief |
Polymorph | |
Mount | New Moon Guar |
Non-Combat Pet | New Moon Guar Calf |