You defied the will of Molag Bal in Coldharbour. Destroy the Great Shackle and end the Planemeld. End the threat of the Planemeld once and for all. Rescue the Last Ayleid Kind from the lightless Oubliette.
Aetherial Blue
Tamriel Skyshard Hunter
Find all the Skyshards located throughout Tamriel.
Entoloma Blue
Truly Legendary Armor
Apply a player-created Legendary Enchantment to a player-created Legendary armor piece.
Welkynd Blue
Spirit of the Bosmer
You drove corruption from the heart of Valenwood in Greenshade. Drive back the Maormer invasion at Seaside Sanctuary. Protect the Wilderking, Defeat Prince Naemon and restore the Heart of Valenwood.
Eyevea Blue
Complete the Mages Guild series of quests. Long Lost Lore, Simply Misplaced, Circus of Cheerful Slaughter, Chateau of the Ravenous Rodent, The Mad God’s Bargain
Arcane Blue
Mages Guild Skill Master
Reach the max level of the Mages Guild Skill Line.
Smith Steel Blue
Master Blacksmith
Attain a Blacksmith rank of 50.
Ransacker Blue
Superior Ransacker
Loot a Superior quality item.
Covenant Conqueror Blue
Daggerfall Covenant Conqueror
Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Daggerfall Covenant. Bad Man’s Hallows, Bonesnap Ruins, Lost City of Na-Totombu, Obsidian Scar, Razak’s Wheel
Guardian Blue
Greater Dungeon Blocker
Block 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.
Dungeon Victor Turquoise
Dungeon Annihilator
Defeat 10,000 enemies in Dungeons.
Apprentice Blue
Level 20 Hero
Reach Level 20.
Mages Guild Blue
Student of the Mages Guild
Join the Mages Guild
Tainted Turquoise
Imperial Trangressions
Locate and interact with all of the speaking stones in the White-Gold Tower.
Motif Pattern Blue
Alliance Style Master
Learn all Alliance Racial Styles. Breton, Redguard, Orc, Dark Elf, Nord, Argonian, High Elf, Wood Elf, Khajiit
Netch Jelly Blue
Bleakrock and Bal Foyen Explorer
Discover all of the striking locales on Bleakrock and Bal Foyen, Bleakrock Pathfinder, Bal Foyen Pathfinder
Abyssal Beryl
Maw of Lorkhaj
Drive the dro-m'Athra back to the void and close the Maw of Lorkhaj in Normal Mode.
Wisp Blue
Bangkorai Master Explorer
Discover and clear all six caves and striking localed in Bangkorai. Bangkorai Cave Delver, Bangkorai Pathfinder
Mundus Blue
Weekly Trial Complete
Completed a Weekly Trial
New Life Cerulean
New Life Celebrant
Complete all New Life Festival celebrations across Tamriel - Snow Bear Plunge - The Trial of Five-Clawed Guile - Lava Foot Stomp - Mud Ball Merriment - Signal Fire Sprint - Castle Charm Challenge - War Orphan's Sojurn - Fish Boom Feast - Stonetooth Bash
Potency Blue
Translate all of the Potency runes. Positive Potency, Negative Potency
You put the dead to rest in Alik’r. Stop the Withered Hand plot at Tava’s Blessing. Stop Uwafa from raising the dead at Tu’whacca’s Throne. Defeat Shiri and reclaim the final Ansei Ward.
Indoril Blue
Deshaan Master Explorer
Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Deshaan. Deshaan Cave Delver, Deshaan Pathfinder