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9 years ago

is this bind on pickup?

Heiko Bauer
Heiko Bauer
9 years ago
Reply to  MaidoMaido

Its a Costume which is part of Orsinium Quest chain

9 years ago
Reply to  Heiko Bauer

Thanks, is it account bound in the collection tab, or is it a disguise you can pick up and give to a friend who doesn’t have Orsinium DLC? (Like the Crown dishdasha disguise, etc)

Heiko Bauer
Heiko Bauer
9 years ago
Reply to  MaidoMaido

Collection Tab

von Carstein Kantakouzenos
von Carstein Kantakouzenos
8 years ago

good for a Nord

4 years ago

Thanks for NOT explaining EVERYTHING one would need to do to obtain this costume. Not only do you have to “Filling the House of Orismer Glories with Historic Relics”, but you also need to achieve the Hero of Wrothgar and then complete a final quest for the last relic!!!

This site cannot be trusted with useful information and I will no longer be utilizing it.

4 years ago

Hey Exile, don’t listen to that a-hole. You’re doing an amazing job of keeping the website updated. Thank you for your hard work!

4 years ago

Exile. I would not have been able to build my custom houses without this incredible site, so thank you for all your hard work. It is very much appreciated.

4 years ago

Hey just wanted to add my support for this amazing site. It’s been my go to forever. When I see something I want here THEN I go out and RESEARCH how to obtain it. It’s not hard. So please ignore Anonymous Karen’s whining to management. Imagine this person’s poor family. LOL

4 years ago

ESO Fashion is my go-to site not just for outfits, but for housing items. I cannot wrap my mind around how long it must take to maintain this site. It’s beyond amazing 😀

4 years ago

Adding my thank you for Exile’s efforts here as well. Been using MMO-fashion since 2014, although iirc it was still just TOR-fashion back then

4 years ago

wow i was not even aware of that 🙂 i will work my way fast to finish to collect all the relics and get this !! Thank you 🙂 and please dont worry, we have enough youtubers, website guides, and guilds to help us to guide us through all. I certainly enjoy more to find here the beautiful things from eso

(sorry i did not want to be anonymous so i corrected the post, If you can delete the other one thank you)

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