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8 years ago

Another great item from the PTS not included in live Homestead.

Joshua Danny Michael
Joshua Danny Michael
8 years ago
Reply to  SB

Huh? Yes it is on live homestead. I just purchased it yesterday as a matter of fact.
It drops randomly from chests around the world, the types that need to have their lock picked.
A sure way to get it, is from the crown store.
Seeing as your comment is 2 days old, and I just purchased it yesterday, I doubt it got added over night as there was no patch yesterday.

8 years ago

Zos can and does adjust crown store offerings without an official patch. That’s a fact.

I presume you mean you purchased it on the crown store, which may be the case if they updated the listings. However, unless you have personally seen it drop, or seen a plan or item for sale at a trader, I wouldn’t pass off your info as facts.

Go find me Redguard Bench, Arc in the live game right now. Go find me Redguard Oven. They may introduce them tomorrow, but at the time I write this those items are neither available in the crown store nor is there any record of them being traded in the game via Tamriel Trade Center, etc.

So, hopefully that answers your “Huh?” question.

8 years ago
Reply to  SB

This divider and the Redguard Bench, Arc can be crafted. If you source your information on the Tamriel Trade Centre, you’re going at it the wrong way around. Download Craftstore Addon which has all the available recipes listed and check there, both of them exist.

8 years ago
Reply to  Edenprime

It’s fluid. Homestead has been out for almost a month. They are still adding things incrementally and things are still missing. Redguard Oven, for example.

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