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Suzan Miskelley Parton
Suzan Miskelley Parton
4 years ago

Moon-Blessed Ceremonial Pool – So the spreadsheet states this lead was located in a backpack inside Moonlit Cove – there is exactly 1 backpack inside Moonlit Cove – near a crate in the Boss area. There are plenty of urns and barrels to be found – but yeah 1 backpack

4 years ago

This doesn’t just drop from backpacks. I got this from an urn, one of the first urns I checked in the delve actually.

4 years ago

Yes – just letting people know there is exactly 1 backpack in the place so not worth looking there for it lol I should have been more specific 🙂

4 years ago

*Not worth checking the single backpack

4 years ago

There are minimum 2 backpacks actually. Second in western part in small camp surrounded by sugar canes. But yes, it also drops from urns. Tried to get lead from backpacks and random urns about 3 days, and then got it from first urn lol

4 years ago

The drop-rate on this thing is atrocious given how slow the respawn rate is on the urns.

4 years ago

I can confirm that the lead drops from an urn, I got mine after 10 minutes (pure rng luck).

4 years ago

Just looted this in Southern Elsweyr from a backpack at the bottom of a cliff slightly southwest of Potentate’s Retreat – there is a sunken boat directly in front of the alcove – skeleton and a backpack marks the correct spot 🙂

4 years ago

What spreadsheet?! Please provide a link!

4 years ago

I’ve posted the link on the top of the Antiquities page.

4 years ago

Can confirm you can get it from urns in Moonlit Cove.

emi m
emi m
4 years ago

Yep jut got it from an urn in Moonlit Cove ~ ~ you’ve got to be patient but promise it drops ~ ~ when entering turn right then come back via the middle where the boss is and go back to the entrace quit the dwelve 15-20min (not pretty sure but worked for me) for the urns to reset and farm it back ~ ~ had to do it 3-4 times then dropped the lead

4 years ago

Searched the whole place. and nothing. clicked every single urn and backpack and barrel and sack everything and anything. nada. I been in here many time since greymoor doing other quest stuff looting everything and i have never seen this drop 🙁

4 years ago

i call BS on there being a lead in moon lit cove. 4 days of searching every nook and cranny for urns/packs/crates/sacks and nothing!

i give up
i give up
4 years ago

i can’t find it either in moonlit cove. AlcastHQ says it also drops in Senchal. but where exactly? same bs look everywhere in the city- ugghz (Urn in Senchal, Backpack in Senchal, Backpack in Forsaken Citadel)

Harley JustJevika Harlita
Harley JustJevika Harlita
4 years ago

I have pulled the lead twice in Moonlit cove and only in Moonlit cove. Once from an Urn and once from a Treasure box. Don’t give up. Yo uguys will find it. I do not hear anyone saying it’s dropping in Senchal. If you are on XBox, it drops in Moonlit cove for certain. I have TWO of them at my primary residence as proof. Dont give up. I had to go thru the area twice on one character to pull it, but on my newer character it was in the second chest I opened.

Harley JustJevika Harlita
Harley JustJevika Harlita
4 years ago

Also, the second one I pulled, I pulled just last night, so this is still an active drop.

i give up
i give up
4 years ago

Can confirm this also drop in urns in Senchal. I searched for 5 days in Moonlit Cove and found nothing from urns or any other lootable container. Spent 1 day looking in Senchal and found it about ten mins in of searching the city, down by the docks/harbor in an urn. 1st pier on the left/ west side at the end of the pier and there was a guy hammering down there(for reference).

i give up
i give up
4 years ago

here a a link a pic of myself looting this lead @ the docks/harbor in Senchal.comment image

4 years ago

I spendet 2 days in moonlit cave .. nothing .. just went to Senegal in orth where’s ships are.. and Lotes it nearly directly in a urn under a wood on the left nearly missed this urn

4 years ago

I just got it from a backpack in Forsaken Citadel

4 years ago

Found the lead in Moonlit Cove in an urn next to The Tigershark boss

4 years ago

The first time I found the lead I was doing the main story and was inside a random urn. So I’m guessing it drops from overland urns.

4 years ago

found mine in same spot

4 years ago

Just found this in an urn in Southern Elsweyr, at the Baandari camp directly south of Senchal.

4 years ago

I found mine in a backpack in Senchal so it can drop from anywhere.

3 years ago

ok, the moonlit cave can be ‘reset’ by leaving it and coming back in. All the urns and other containers get randomized this way. The mobs you killed however stay in thier cool down rotation. So, just enter the delve loot all the urns in the first upper walkway, should be around 20ish possible even if most are empty, and then exit out and reenter. The urns are reset and randomized. I did this and now I have 2 of the pools in my Oasis house 🙂

3 years ago

I can confirm it drops from the most western dock in senchal, the urn near the hammering npc. Nothing in moonlit cove but here? Found it on the first try

3 years ago

Your wrong there is more then one after entering moonlit go left and stay right you will come to a small tent there is one there to and the one beside the boss

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