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9 years ago

Just an fyi those are the Glass heavy shoulders, not light.

9 years ago
Reply to  Kapotun

true. In the submission form I indicated the robe was glass, posted because I couldn’t find any pics of this anywhere. The shoulders and the boots are not light glass, but the rest is.

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago

Please don’t mix and match different armor weights on that form. It’s incredibly confusing to everyone viewing the images. The customized form is for mixed sets.

9 years ago

This set is not like the others in that it’s extremely difficult to get the motifs, the shards to craft the style are hard to find, not to mention the number of ancestor silks required. I submitted this photo because I had this crafted sight unseen after not being able to find pictures of this anywhere. I see no one else has crafted an all light set since my submission, the point of which was to share what the robe looks like. You’re welcome to spend the 100’s of k worth of gold in mats, craft the all-light set and submit your photo.

9 years ago

Mate. It’s still a mixed set, so it’s misleading. You’re supposed to post the ENTIRE set according to the weight/style, not half-ass it and then act like a dick to people who politely point it out.

9 years ago
Reply to  Adaption

Well, they indicated it on the submission form and the Mod is the one being pissy about it. Their point is that the site didn’t have a picture and a picture of a full set isn’t exactly the easiest thing to get. Seems valid to say: If you don’t like the free content submitted by people then GENERATE YOUR OWN CONTENT for your website (or at least read the submission form and include the notes if it turns out that you can’t actually generate the content, which is likely the case here).

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago
Reply to  nss

The submitter did not indicate it on the submission form or I would have put it on the post (and I did go back to the submission and verify they did not add any additional comments to the form indicating it was not a full submission).

9 years ago

Only the shoulders are not light. The gloves that you can see are indeed light.

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago

In a special case like this, I would definitely have posted your images, but it would have been much better if your character was only wearing the glass robe and not a bunch of pieces of other sets.

Linda Villanueva
Linda Villanueva
9 years ago

I have the full crafted light set in shirt and pants that I can upload so folks can see a full set. How do I submit it?

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago

Use the Armor, Weapons, Mounts, Pet Submission form in the menu under Submit.

Linda Villanueva
Linda Villanueva
9 years ago

I just submitted. But in hind-site, can you reject it? I would like to take additional pics with individual pieces, then full body in both original dye and re-colored. i apologize for the inconvenience.

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago


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