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Disguises are temporary costumes granted during a quest for use during that quest. If your character is attacked while wearing the disguise, it will disappear from your inventory.

Aldmeri Dominion

Colovian Uniform

  • Zone: Reaper’s March
  • Area: Arenthia
  • Quest: The Colovian Occupation
    • Looted from Highland Archer’s corpse near Cariel
    • Found in chests in several houses in Arenthia’s Tower district

Colovian Uniform - Female FrontColovian Uniform - Female BackColovian Uniform - Female SideColovian Uniform - Male FrontColovian Uniform - Male BackColovian Uniform - Male Side

Courier Uniform

  • Zone: Malabal Tor
  • Area: Bandaari Trading Post
  • Quest: Enemy of My Enemy
    • Take it off of Courier Rufinus’ body during the quest chain

Courier Uniform - Female FrontCourier Uniform - Female BackCourier Uniform - Female SideCourier Uniform - Male FrontCourier Uniform - Male BackCourier Uniform - Male Side

Hollow Moon Garb

  • Zone: Grahtwood
  • Area: Redfur Trading Post
  • Quest: Flipping the Coin
    • No longer obtainable

Submitted by: A’yme

Hollow Moon Garb - Female FrontHollow Moon Garb - Female Back

Kollopi Essence

  • Zone: Greenshade
  • Area: Gurzag’s Mine (outside)
  • Quest: Frighten the Fearsome
    • Loot Kollopi Trees

Kollopi Essence - Female FrontKollopi Essence - Female BackKollopi Essence - Female SideKollopi Essence - Male FrontKollopi Essence - Male BackKollopi Essence - Male Side

Phaer Mercenary

  • Zone: Auridon
  • Area: Phaer
  • Quest: The First Patient
    • Loot from upstairs cabinet in Mercenary Bunkhouse after paying Scout Taniril

Phaer Mercenary - Female FrontPhaer Mercenary - Female BackPhaer Mercenary - Female SidePhaer Mercenary - Male FrontPhaer Mercenary - Male BackPhaer Mercenary - Male Side

Quendeluun Veiled Heritance

  • Zone: Auridon
  • Area: Quendelum
  • Quest: The Veiled Choice
    • Loot cot after speaking to Eranamo in North Ruins

Quendeluun Veiled Heritance - Female FrontQuendeluun Veiled Heritance - Female BackQuendeluun Veiled Heritance - Female SideQuendeluun Veiled Heritance - Male FrontQuendeluun Veiled Heritance - Male BackQuendeluun Veiled Heritance - Male Side

Sea Viper

  • Zone: Greenshade
  • Area: Seaside Sanctuary
  • Quest: A Storm Upon the Shore
    • Take Lamil’s Armor 
    • Loot Sea Viper Armor Baskets around Seaside Sanctuary

Sea Viper - Female FrontSea Viper - Female BackSea Viper - Female SideSea Viper - Male FrontSea Viper - Male BackSea Viper - Male Side

Steel Shrike

  • Zone: Malabal Tor
  • Area: Fuller’s Break
  • Quest: Raise the Curtain
    • Kill Steel Shrikes

Steel Shrike - Female FrontSteel Shrike - Female BackSteel Shrike - Female SideSteel Shrike - Male FrontSteel Shrike - Male BackSteel Shrike - Male Side

Vulkhel Guard Marine

  • Zone: Auridon
  • Area: Vulkhel Guard
  • Quest: A Hostile Situation
    • Loot chest behind Eshaba

Vukhel Guard Marine - Female FrontVukhel Guard Marine - Female BackjVukhel Guard Marine - Female SideVukhel Guard Marine - Male FrontVukhel Guard Marine - Male BackVukhel Guard Marine - Male Side

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10 years ago

Awesome, glad to see this was implemented! 🙂

10 years ago

Do the disguises drop for players not in that faction? Example, can I get the Frostedge Bandit if I’m in Daggerfall?

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
10 years ago
Reply to  Silas

I have no idea. All I know is that they dropped for me where I’ve indicated. They aren’t bound though. I was able to bank them and wear them on another character in a different faction.

10 years ago

They should drop for anyone of that alliance anyone else in that area is breaking the system since the veteran areas are not same area they just use the same landscape. The other thing is they are tied to quests in the areas so if the quests are not there the disguges will not likely be there as well.

10 years ago
Reply to  Silas

The disguises attached to quests cannot be obtained by enemy players, obviously, but your characters of another faction can wear them so long as you transfer them into the bank. For example, if I get a disguise from an EP area, my Dominion character can wear it if they go to the bank and withdraw it. I hope that makes sense!

10 years ago
Reply to  Silas

When you move to the different zones as a vet, (At vet 1, and vet5) you can get the rest of them, by just doing the quests, I’ve got all the specialized ones from this list and a few more, and I’m from daggerfall.

10 years ago

Please be aware though, these are unique items, so if they are in your bank and you roll an alt, that alt will not see any of the disguises in your bank drop or be able to recieve any from NPC’s that hand them out.
On the upside they can just open the bank and grab the ones they need.

10 years ago
Reply to  KiwiGuy

Disguises are tradable.
I put seadrake disguise in bank as alt and withdrawn it as main. Now I’m wearing it.

Dagma O'Neill
Dagma O'Neill
10 years ago
Reply to  KiwiGuy

They are not unique if they are in the bank, they are not bound either. Wearing the vanguard uniform with my alt sorceress right now.

Kaladin Stormblade
Kaladin Stormblade
10 years ago
Reply to  KiwiGuy

I’ve actually seen people selling disguises in chat, and I’ve traded a few to other players myself so can confirm they can be traded.

Lawerance Lord
Lawerance Lord
10 years ago

how do i get vanguard uniform

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
10 years ago
Reply to  Lawerance Lord

The Brothers of Strife quest on Stonefalls.

10 years ago

Actualy, the quest is called ‘Aggresive Negotiations’, it starts in Kragenmoor. Once you pick up the quest, the uniform can be bought from Kaasha.

10 years ago
Reply to  Hideyoshi

if your fighter’s guild rank is high enough you can intimdate her into giving it to you for free.

10 years ago

Where can I get the Quendeluun Veiled Heritance disguise? I love that look, but I don’t know where to search for it. I play in the Ebonheart Pact and I just want to get it with an Aldmeri twink. Which zone? Which level? Would be good if someone could answer 🙂

10 years ago

Forget the name of the quest, but it is in Auridon

10 years ago

It’s from a quest called “The Veiled Choice” that you pick up at the Quendeluun Wayshrine, northwest of Skywatch in Auridon.

10 years ago
Reply to  Undarl

Hm…so it’s level 8-12, right? Okay, thank you 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Undarl

I got it from the Quest – but is there any other way to obtain it, ’cause I’d like to get another one for a twink?

Dominion Loyalist
Dominion Loyalist
10 years ago

For dominion there’s also the courier outfit (Imperial robes with hood), from malabal tor (Quest at banndari trading post) and Colovian outfit (Imperial medium Armour with optional helmet) from a quest in reapers march (Arenthia)

Some random Aldmeri twink
Some random Aldmeri twink
10 years ago

The sea drake disguise shape is quite random, if you want an specific type, you have to destroy the one you have, relog and pick up the disguise again from the basket.
Although it changes its shape randomly when you teleport using a wayshrine or sometimes when you enter a ruin, the only way to fix it is unequiping the disguise, reloging and equiping it again, but sometimes you’ll get a different shape.
TLDR dont bother at getting the sea drake disguise, its bugged.

10 years ago

That’s not entirely true. All you need to do is log in or out, OR you can just change zones/areas. Mine changes sometimes just from going in or out of a different door. It’s quite nice, but a bother since there is one style I like more than the others.

10 years ago

Thanks so much for clearing this up! I picked up the Seadrake disguise because I liked the look, then when I came back to the game later it turned into this ugly skirt thing. So I destroyed it and started killing like 500 seadrakes trying to find the original one I wanted (the one with the pants, not the skirt), and I couldn’t find it at all. Then I destroyed it, relogged, and killed a seadrake and I got the original back! Of course now I’m scared to use wayshrines and stuff because I don’t want it to turn back into the ugly skirt version again, lol…

Firefist Sally
Firefist Sally
10 years ago

The black&teal variant I’ve posted didn’t change it’s shape or color at all (and I had it and used it for days). And I’m really glad for that. Maybe the little “lock” icon is what you need? It’s permanent and looks cool on my pyromancer, what else is there to ask for? I was REALLY, REALLY lucky to find that gem in guild store for mere 20g 😀

10 years ago

wher can i get Kollopi Essence – Frighten the Fearsome (Greenshade) ? Thx

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
10 years ago
Reply to  Khasakhal

When known, the disguises have the Name – Quest where it is obtainable and (Zone).

10 years ago

Ok was not sure because didnt know translation of zone’s name, Thanks again 🙂

10 years ago

Could someone please tell me how to get the Bloodthorn Female Disguise because everyone time i get one and put it on my female character its the male version.

10 years ago

Even the reward disguises are ugly…. T___T

10 years ago

The Northwind disguise does not drop in Eastmarch, but instead in the north of The Rift at Northwind Mine.

10 years ago

So where and how do you get the sea viper disguise ive looked around at several camps and checked maybe I just keep missing it

10 years ago
Reply to  Noxas

It’s a particular quest in Greenshade where you get it, don’t remember the exact name of the quest. But if you’ve already done that quest and don’t have the disguise the only way to get it is to do it on another character or ask customer service to restore it

10 years ago
Reply to  Noxas

Sea Viper disguise drops off of mobs in the Seaside Sanctuary in the NW corner of Greenshade.

10 years ago

several of these images are incorrect. The sea drake outfit and the bloodthorn outfit does not look like that for female characters

10 years ago
Reply to  Fundi

Actually some of these have multiple appearances. It can change on different logs or entering different zones.

10 years ago

I have a bunch I could submit, but I honestly don’t remember exactly what quest or faction they all came from. Can I submit just the photos and title of the item or do I need all this info like the format you have here so far?

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
10 years ago
Reply to  Quixoticism

We’ll take whatever we can get. Other people can help fill in the quest information through the comments.

10 years ago

Okay, I’ll get on that ASAP. I’ll try to get good lighting since character select screen doesn’t seem to show disguises.

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
10 years ago
Reply to  Quixoticism


10 years ago

Uploaded 3 so far, sorry I don’t have more info. 2 more to come…

F. Dar'kir
F. Dar'kir
10 years ago

I recently picked up the Vanguard Uniform in EP and it was Heavy Armor (Green/Silver)

10 years ago

The armor in this game blows.

10 years ago

The armor in this game is awesome.

10 years ago

where can i find the stormfist disguise on eastmarch when i quit all quests in eastmarch? – thanks

9 years ago
Joe Zaccone
Joe Zaccone
9 years ago

i want to go back and reobtain the frostledge bandit one, i just can’t seem to find it anywhere in bleekrock. i have to do the same for shadowsilk gem, but it seems i’m goiung to have to get the alt to get it.

4 years ago

Warnings: you can lose the disguise if you are wearing it in the area it came from – if a sentry spots you, or you are attacked. Since you can’t repeat a quest, it can be hard to replace. Keep a spare in the bank, or remove it before entering the area – some (Maomer, Seadrake,…) may be removed in any of the areas where the bamdits are active.

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