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- Classes (1,589)
- Arcanist (10)
- Dragonknight (342)
- Necromancer (59)
- Nightblade (417)
- Sorcerer (265)
- Templar (376)
- Warden (120)
- Dyes (811)
- Abyssal Beryl (11)
- Adamantine Silver (5)
- Adept Purple (8)
- Adventurer Brown (18)
- Aetherial Blue (1)
- Akatosh's Scales Gold (3)
- Alchemist Bilious (10)
- Alik'r Lapis (4)
- Amethyst Violet (7)
- Anequina Sunrise (5)
- Antique Brass (12)
- Antique Silver (18)
- Apprentice Blue (1)
- Apricot Outrage (2)
- Arcane Blue (20)
- Ash'abah Hood Gray (7)
- Ashland Gray (13)
- Atmoran Bronze (28)
- Automaton Bronze (24)
- Ayleid Gold (99)
- Bandit Brown (15)
- Battaglir Green (5)
- Bedlam Purple (3)
- Birch White (68)
- Blademaster's Mauve (5)
- Blood Gold (9)
- Bloodroot Wine (11)
- Boethiah Gray (9)
- Book Cover Brown (29)
- Boss Butcher Brown (13)
- Brewer's Ale Brown (23)
- Brightfern Green (1)
- Bugloss Blue (8)
- Celestial Violet (7)
- Champion Red (13)
- Clothier Purple (20)
- Coldharbour Ash Black (388)
- Colossus Brass (11)
- Colovian Deep Brown (5)
- Contraband Violet (2)
- Corporal's Green (5)
- Covenant Blue (31)
- Covenant Conqueror Blue (6)
- Covenant Fisher Blue (1)
- Covenant Vanquisher Violet (10)
- Craftmaster Gold (39)
- Craglorn Crimson (2)
- Cyrodilic Steel (6)
- Daedric Red (33)
- Darkstorm Emerald (2)
- Deceit Orange (1)
- Dibella's Blush (6)
- Divine Gold (40)
- Dolmen Deep Blue (4)
- Dominion Conqueror Yellow (6)
- Dominion Fisher Yellow (5)
- Dominion Vanquisher Green (1)
- Dominion Yellow (43)
- Doomcrag Verdigris (11)
- Dragonknight's Blood (6)
- Dragonstar Red (8)
- Dragonthorn Yellow (4)
- Dried Blood Brown (9)
- Dungeon Victor Turquoise (2)
- Dusky Bronze (3)
- Dwarven Bronze (15)
- Earthforge Iron Gray (6)
- Enchanter Tangerine (7)
- Entoloma Blue (12)
- Epic Violet (13)
- Essence Green (1)
- Evermore Gold (18)
- Expert Gray (15)
- Explorer Green (1)
- Eyevea Blue (7)
- Falinesti Green (3)
- Fighters Guild Red (6)
- Firedrake's Flame (14)
- Flame-Knight Light Red (1)
- Forest Footpad Green (1)
- Forge Ember Red (1)
- General's Gold (1)
- Glenbridge Green (1)
- Graht-Bark Brown (20)
- Grand Warlock's Violet (1)
- Guardian Blue (2)
- Haunted Moor Mauve (4)
- Hazardous Chartreuse (2)
- Heartlands Umber (2)
- Hist Green (12)
- Hlaalu Gold (25)
- Hollowfang Cruor (5)
- Hunding Gold (32)
- Hyacinth Pink (4)
- Indomitable Violet (4)
- Indoril Blue (19)
- Ironweed Violet (13)
- Jode Red (8)
- Julianos White (73)
- Jute Green (3)
- Khenarthi Red (16)
- Kresh Flower Red (5)
- Lamae's White (78)
- Legate's Black (2)
- Legionary's Lead (15)
- Liar's Linen (1)
- Lyncanthrope Gray (40)
- Mages Guild Blue (3)
- Magnus Setting Red (5)
- Mammoth Fur Brown (5)
- Maormer-Eyes Gray (21)
- Marble White (17)
- Marshnettle Titian (1)
- Master Gold (18)
- Mastic Yellow (17)
- Moonshadow Orchid (1)
- Moonstone White (31)
- Mort Flesh White (5)
- Motif Master Brown (40)
- Motif Pattern Blue (3)
- Mundus Blue (1)
- Murder Mahogany (4)
- Nacreous Purple (2)
- Necromancer Blue (12)
- Netch Jelly Blue (5)
- New Life Cerulean (3)
- Nightblade's Indigo (3)
- Nightshade Purple (14)
- Nirncrux Red (21)
- Nirnroot Gray (16)
- Novice Tan (2)
- Noxophilic Black (51)
- Obsidian Black (99)
- Ophidian Jade (5)
- Orichalc Green (12)
- Pact Blood Red (26)
- Pact Conqueror Red (16)
- Pact Fisher Red (1)
- Pact Vanquisher Brown (6)
- Patron's Gold (1)
- Pellitine Coral (18)
- Pillager Purple (15)
- Polished Steel Gray (30)
- Provisioner Brown (4)
- Putrid Flesh Teal (3)
- Pyandonean Purple (2)
- Quester Yellow (12)
- Rank 1 Materials (5)
- Rank 10 Materials (27)
- Rank 2 Materials (3)
- Rank 3 Materials (5)
- Rank 4 Materials (10)
- Rank 5 Materials (11)
- Rank 6 Materials (13)
- Rank 7 Materials (3)
- Rank 8 Materials (9)
- Rank 9 Materials (9)
- Ransacker Blue (23)
- Raw Hide Tan (5)
- Recipe Reaper Red (4)
- Red Diamond Red (79)
- Regicide Red (2)
- Restorative Gold (6)
- Riften Copper (6)
- Ruby Throne Red (3)
- Scintillating Scarlet (3)
- Scrivener's Ultramarine (1)
- Senche-Tiger Orange (5)
- Sergeant's Charcoal (20)
- Shadowfoot Gray (4)
- Shein Violet (8)
- Shrike Blue (4)
- Sigil Orange (12)
- Silvenar Green (5)
- Slaughterfish Flesh Pink (4)
- Smith Steel Blue (15)
- Sorcerers'-Bane Violet (1)
- Soul Gem Purple (4)
- Soul Shriven Gray (30)
- Soul Shriven Pale (16)
- Spectral Blue (1)
- Stahlrim Chrome (2)
- Starlight Gold (48)
- Stendarr White (11)
- Strangler Maw Red (5)
- Sulfer Pools Yellow (15)
- Superior Blue (18)
- Syffim Red (16)
- Tainted Turquoise (5)
- Telvanni Brown (18)
- Templar's Last Dawn (1)
- Thalmor Black (86)
- Tombstone Gray (21)
- Tower White-Gold (13)
- Transliminal Violet (41)
- Tribune's Steel (2)
- Undaunted Bronze (10)
- Varla White (32)
- Vehk's Mystic Blue (27)
- Vine Green (11)
- Viridian Venom (9)
- Void Pitch (8)
- Voidstone Violet (5)
- Volunteer's Iron (45)
- Warden's Moss Green (3)
- Warrior's Steel (30)
- Wayrest Royal Purple (13)
- Welkynd Blue (22)
- Windhelm Steel (68)
- Wisp Blue (13)
- Wolf's Fur Brown (43)
- Woodsman Green (6)
- Woodworker Yellow (8)
- Wyrd Tree Green (9)
- Yokudan Cod Tan (1)
- Faction (1,297)
- Aldmeri Dominion (423)
- Daggerfall Covenant (469)
- Ebonheart Pact (405)
- Gender (1,443)
- Race (1,346)
Weapons and armor look different for each class?
Can someone please answer ^this question. I would like to know as well.
It doesn’t. We categorized it this way so it is easier for people to find their class’s looks but anyone can wear/use anything regardless of their class.
No the dont
waepons and armor do have slight differances based on classes
It’s undeniable. I’m a 35 year old male who apparently loves playing dress up with digital dolls. This stuff is great!
I submitted a set but I do not see it.
Did you use this form?
I’m sorry, the form appears to have glitched. I’ve checked all the submissions and it didn’t go through. Please try again.
Ok no worries ill re-submit
I have submitted this set several times with no results. I do not know what the issue could be.
Where do I post my Groot?